Sidestepping The Walls


I want to say it's about the walls crashing down. But it's not.

It's about seeing the walls and rejecting their authority, deciding that while the walls exist, they do not confine me. There are doors and gates, and the walls themselves are not insurmountable. You can climb them, maybe even jump over them on a good day. And there have been many good days, days resplendent with sunshine and cool breezes offering more than walls can contain. Wind and waves, wine and blueberries, laughter and kisses, prayers and answers.

There are always walls, fences, chains, burdens. And there is always light, joy, hope, and peace. The walls should be used to support the bowls and vases filled with fresh fruit and flowers, or to stand on to watch the sunset emblazon the horizon as the stars begin to sparkle overhead. Life is hard work and suffering, flavored with joy and beauty to sustain the soul.

The walls will be my history and my landmarks as I travel where love and courage surpass limitations.